Friday, August 11, 2017

Isolated By Rolando Recendez



I’m lost for words when I think about the two weeks I spent in Cuba mainly

because it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. Cuba is like a whole different

world compared to other countries it makes you think about the small things in life that

we take for granted. For a country where the people do not make a lot of money they  

seem to find the small things to enjoy like the company of other people and the joy 

and pride they take in there work.

            If I had one word to describe Cuba it would be limitless because there’s no limits

on how I would describe it. it was just that amazing the people the delicious

coffee the friends I made that I now consider my Cuban family. Something that you

 would not find on your typical vacation to Latin America. I went to Cuba expecting all

the wrong things and found something better. A piece of a puzzle that I had been missing

in my life for a while.

            From the translations that we did to the places we would visit our some of the best

memories in my chapter that will not fade, there like a VHS player on rewind. The

definition of family is too vague if you ask me. Family is a group of people who not only

live together but fight get along argue and from time to time have the deep life

conversations and that’s exactly what I found with everyone FAMILY.

            I also had the privilege of meeting one of the most kind and funniest person on

this trip who ended up being that missing puzzle piece that had been lost for a while.

Mabel Cuesta was the reason why I went on this trip she’s not a professor to me she’s not

even my friend she’s family my Cuban mother who took care of us and watched over us

 like a guardian angel thank you.

            If someone asked me what’s it like over there I would just say its something you

    would have to experience yourself. Just buy a plane ticket and go.


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